The Emilia-Romagna Region has approved, by Resolution of the Regional Council n. 1305/2016 the call “Projects of innovation and diversification of product or service for SMEs”, with a budget of 8 million Euros from Por-Fest 2014-2020 funds.
Beneficiaries: The call is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in technological innovation routes and diversification of its products and / or services, with the aim of increasing the market share or penetrate new markets. The intervention aims therefore is to help companies that need to acquire outside the necessary innovative services and skills to complete, also from a managerial point of view, the pathways for their introduction on the market. The beneficiaries of the tender are therefore the SMEs, and in particular the joint-stock companies, partnerships excluding simple partnerships, cooperatives of production and work, consortium companies in the form of a capital company.
eligible interventions: The innovation and diversification projects must address at least one of the following actions:
– L ‘expansion of the range of products and / or services or their significant technological and functional redefinition in an innovative way;
– The introduction of digital content and processes and service innovation can change the relationship with clients and stakeholders;
– The ricaratterizzazione of products and services in a highly sustainable way and in favor of inclusion and quality of life.
They are not eligible projects for the routine or periodic changes made to products, production lines, manufacturing processes, existing services and other operations in progress, even if such changes represent improvements. They are not admitted projects on aesthetic innovations or simply extending the variety.
Will be considered particularly welcome innovations to intersectoral and interdisciplinary
Eligible expenditure: Companies can purchase one or more of the following services:
– Technological consultancy and research, studies and technical analysis, purchase of rights of licenses and patents;
– Experimental tests, measurements, calculations, product certifications;
– Software design, multimedia and digital components;
– Product / service design and design concept;
– Prototyping and 3D printing;
– Pilot plant design;
– Consulting for organizational and strategic management of innovation, in the interim management form for innovation (not more than 30% of the total)
The supply agreements have to be concluded for at least 50% of the total expenditure with:
1. Laboratories and Innovation Centres in the Network Regional High Technology;
2. Universities and other university-ranking institutions also the arts, public research institutions, research organizations;
3. Innovative Start-up;
4. FabLabs (,
Any remaining part of expenditure (max. 50%) can be sustained for the purchase of services provided by companies or freelancers (individuals or associations), belonging to professional associations recognized by law, and members of their associations or members of the professional associations.
And ‘possible to submit projects ranging from a minimum cost of € 40,000.00 (reduced by 50% for projects related to the field of specialization of Cultural and Creative Industries) up to a maximum cost of € 150,000.00.
The region can contribute to these costs in the minimum of 35% and up to a maximum of 45% percent of eligible costs, but may be up to 50%, in the case of new open-ended contracts.
The transmission of applications for assistance will be through the portal Sfinge2020 and will have to be made before 13.00 on Friday, October 14, 2016.